Round 10 - Mulino, OR
Mud Dabber - Sunday, 7th of November, 2021
Sign-Up Info:
Event registration/payment/waiver will be handled ONLINE ONLY, no “day of” signups will be admitted (tickets are non-refundable).
Online Signups open Now until Friday the 5th of November at 7:00PM – Online Rider Sign-up ONLY
Sign Up Individually Please / one per rider – no bulk family buys (this aids our tracking)
Limited number of event entries allowed, so sign up as soon as you can!
Event will be conducted differently than previous events due to current situation and compliance with OR/WA Phased opening from COVID-19. See below for guidelines
Event Info:
TIMES: 9:50am – Rider’s meeting, 10:00am - 1st riders out on course / group check - please bring your own Single Hole Punch
COST: $30
CLASSES: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, & Champ. Vintage bikes are welcome and will ride the Novice line.
SPECTATORS: Limited to immediate family members
EVENT FORMAT: Three (3) loops with a combined total of 30 sections. Group checking and scores will be counted after the rider completes the event.
Kary Krahel (503) 709-4478
Keith Sweeten (971) 712-4486
Where to Stay:
Bring your own food/supplies/garbage bags/personal sanitation/TP. Pack it in, Pack it out!
NO pit bikes, golf carts or pit vehicles allowed.
COVID-19 Outdoor Activity Rules:
These guidelines are here to protect yourself and our staff. We strongly ask that you follow our event guidelines. We will have a safety officer on-site managing all rules and guidelines. Not adhering to guidelines will result in you leaving the event.
Please stay home if you have cold or flu-like symptoms.
Please follow COVID-19 posted signs, maintain a safe +6ft area between people.
Limit your recreation / travel partners to only those who live within your household unit.
We REQUIRE facial coverings in areas where social distancing cannot be maintained.
Spectators: Please feel free to bring members of your immediate family to spectate, no outside friends/family will be allowed at the event.