Round 7 - Mulino, OR
The Dabber - Sunday, 6th of August 2023
Sign-Up Info:
Event registration/payment/waiver will be handled ONLINE.
Online signup for this event is open now through Friday, August 4th at 7 pm.
Sign up individually please, one per rider.
Event Info:
9:50am – Rider’s meeting (up the hill from the grey house)
10:00am - 1st riders out on course
COST: $30
CLASSES: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert, & Champ. Vintage bikes are welcome and will ride the Novice line.
SPECTATORS: Limited to immediate family members
EVENT FORMAT: Three (3) loops with a combined total of 30 sections. OBSERVED checking and scores will be counted after the rider completes the event.
We need observers! Please contact Kary or Daryn if you are interested in observing at the event.
DIRECTIONS: 13511 S Freeman Rd, Mulino, OR 97042. From HWY 205, take HWY 213 south towards Mulino. Turn Right on Freeman Rd. Turn Right at 13511 for Parking.
TRIALS MARSHALLS: Kary Krahel (503) 709-4478
Where to Stay:
Parking is VERY limited – contact Kary for large rigs (RVs)
Bring your own food/supplies/garbage bags/personal sanitation/TP. Pack it in, Pack it out!
NO pit bikes, golf carts or pit vehicles allowed.